Bringing the Community Together: Local Businesses Support GOODWILL® at the Golf Classic

The Annual GOODWILL® Golf Classic is not just about swinging clubs and sinking putts; it's a testament to the power of community support in driving positive change. At GOODWILL INDUSTRIES® of Wayne and Holmes Counties, our mission to transform donations into opportunities that change lives is at the heart of this event. Join us on a journey through the local businesses that come together to show their support for GOODWILL® and the impactful outcomes that stem from their generosity!

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Uniting for a Cause

The GOODWILL® Golf Classic serves as a platform for local businesses and leaders to come together and rally behind a common goal — supporting our employment and education programs. Through their participation and sponsorship, these businesses play a crucial role in empowering individuals within our community to access better job opportunities and pursue brighter futures.

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World-Class Play

Each year, the GOODWILL® Golf Classic brings together golf enthusiasts and community leaders for a day of world-class play at a prestigious local club. The picturesque greens serve as the backdrop for not only friendly competition but also meaningful connections forged in the spirit of giving back.

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Transforming Donations into Impact

The proceeds from the GOODWILL® Golf Classic go directly towards supporting our mission of changing lives through employment and education programs in Wayne and Holmes Counties. Every swing, every putt, and every donation made during the event contributes to creating opportunities for individuals to build connections to better jobs and brighter futures.

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A Legacy of Giving

As local businesses partner with GOODWILL® at the Golf Classic, they leave a lasting impact on the community they serve. Their commitment to supporting our mission resonates far beyond the golf course, inspiring others to join in our efforts to uplift individuals and create a more inclusive and thriving local community.

The Annual GOODWILL® Golf Classic exemplifies the spirit of unity and generosity that defines the partnership between local businesses and GOODWILL®. Together, we are bringing the community closer, supporting individuals in need, and working towards a future filled with opportunities and positive change. Join us in celebrating the collective impact of businesses that stand with GOODWILL® in fulfilling our mission.

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